Mini Review | The Mist Brings Some Slight Scares

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By: Stephen King

Overall Rating: ★★★

After a bad summer storm, David Drayton and his son drive to the supermarket for some supplies. They get stuck there with a handful of other shoppers due to an eerie mist engulfing the town. Per the usual King style, there are freaky monsters outside but also monsters inside (in the form of an old lady who starts to suggest human sacrifice).

Was I creeped out? Yes. But it wasn’t my favorite King work. I’m glad it was a short story and not an entire novel. The monsters in the mist seemed more like aliens and don’t compare to Pennywise the Clown in terms of scare-factor. The evil character that is Mrs. Carmody also doesn’t break the top 5 on my list of “Scariest Human Beings in King Books”. I’d take old-lady zealot over psychotic mass-murderer (see Mr. Mercedes) any day.

The Verdict

This is a fun, short read so if you have a few hours to spare on a rainy day and want a quick scare in book form, I’d give it a go!

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Talk To Me

Any Stephen King fans out there? What are some of your favorite horror stories?

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