Trash Tuesday | New Obsessions


Hey fam, welcome to my newest thing. Before we get into things, I wanted to acknowledge the definition of TRASH that we’ll be using. Thanks to Urban Dictionary, I didn’t need to come up with my own explanation, so to make it easier here’s what it means to be trash. Example: I am complete trash for Shadowhunters…but I digress. 

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This topic came about when I was discussing my current obsession (hot lumberjack Bear Shifters) with the squad – @Loretta & @Jess. I was jokingly mentioning how I should start a blog theme about all the weird randomness I become trash for and they were super into it. So, here we are! (Shoutout to Loretta for making the awesome banner & logo.)

We’re hoping to make this into a weekly thing with weird open-ended prompts and all (like non-book related things we’re trash for, bad boys, ridiculous covers), so please let us know in the comments if you’re interested in joining the trash mob. To get a feel for what these would be like, keep reading. My first Trash Tuesday is all about T.S. Joyce and her Shifter Series! So, without further ado, here is the latest trash that I am currently trash for. 

*Disclaimer: All mentions of “trash” are made in a super loving manner. I love trash books and don’t actually think they’re trash, so haters please move along.


T.S. Joyce writes paranormal romance novels about hot lumberjacks and firemen…who turn into bears (and lions, and gorillas and dragons OH.MY.) Seriously, I never thought I needed these in my life but I ended up binging 23 books within the matter of a month. I repeat TWENTY THREE BOOKS IN ONE MONTH. I’m KILLING my Goodreads challenge thanks to this series, and I’m not even done yet. There are like fifty something books that span multiple generations of shifters and you get hot, steamy vibes in them all. What am I doing with my life now? Trying to figure out which shifter I love the most.

I’m also going to take a moment to appreciate the fact that Joyce actually keeps a consistent timeline and plot throughout the entire series and focuses on actual problems/villains  they run into instead of just the smut. Don’t get me wrong, the fluff and smut is great, but there’s depth in this series, too. Don’t mind me while I start a fan casting page dedicated to hot lumberjacks.

Please join me in my love for all things shifters. I need a crew and more people to obsess because AKSHDFDKJHSG. I have no words for how trash I’ve become for shifters.

Talk To Me

How do you feel about paranormal romances? Do you think you’d read T.S. Joyce? Are you looking forward to more Trash Tuesdays?

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